Credit bill Payment

Loan invoice payment

PayZapp of the HDFC Bank ends my billing problems. As an omnicannel geeks, I have no preference for how I choose to bill them, and my payment method choices largely depend on where I am when a particular bill is due: when I'm near my laptops, I make my payment on the biller's Web site; when I'm near the billers, I look in their offices and make my payment at their desks.

I am a registered member who would call Bill Insider's insider the "Biller-Direct" payment method. I am also a big supporter of reward, delayed payment and improved credit check prevention. There is no other payment method - whether it is a credit or debit card, wire transfer, check or money transfer - that matches these credit line advantages.

So when it comes to the means of payment, the credit cards win without any problems - no matter whether I am paying on-line or off-line. Lately, credit cards have become very expensive in India. There is a great deal of frictions about on-line and off-line credit cards in India with a regulative environment that doesn't seem to mind discarding the payment bubble with the fraudulent bath water.

Payment on-line follows a very cumbersome path and leads necessarily to a half-way timeout, resulting in unsuccessful payment (estimated up to 48%). Concerning off-line payment transactions, India is perhaps the only state in the whole wide web that has not only realized chips or chips + pins, but also chips + pins + signatures.

A lot of biller who used to take credit cards can no longer do so under the Pins scheme because their vending machine can't handle Pins or, like one of my NNOs, have screwed up their shop conversion to Pins. I was reluctant to lose awards and looked for alternative models to the Biller Direct so I could keep paying with my credit car.

I' ve tried Vodafone M-PESA, MobiKwik, PayTM and many other third-party portable websites that supports Bill Pay's Aggregator Direkt feature. Therefore, I have returned to my standard director options. The problems with paying bills went on as normal, but soon reached a low point when three of my consecutive on-line payment transactions went wrong and two of my billing companies couldn't take a credit in their shops - all in a day's work.

That was when I began to long for a C. O. D. payment method - credit cardholder reward is doomed. Instead, I got PayZapp. PayZapp was created by India's biggest credit-facing company - one of which I own - and allows consumers to save HDFC Bank's credit and debit- and charge-cards on their smartphone and make bill transactions with a single touch.

In order to make a payment, open the application, type your 6-digit number, your biller's number and the amount you want to make payment, press a key and your payment is complete. The PayZapp is an authentic portable application that uses the functionality of a smart phone, unlike many other portable applications that only work as a portable copy of the web interface.

PayZapp uses this digital sign to authentify the payer for each payment operation, and PayZapp therefore lays claim to fulfilling the two-factor authentification mandates of the regulatory authority for credit cards without - and I can guarantee this - jumping through a hundred tyres. After what I found while trying it out, PayZapp seems to do all the hard hoisting between emitter, networking, acquirer und merchants itself.

Therefore, I think the chance of PayZapp failing would be low (time out for a visitor when moving from one site to another is the main cause of failing payment when visitors are paying directly to a merchant's site). That was my own personal opinion - all four payment transactions I launched on PayZapp last weekend went well.

All of this was done through the same web access that I had used last weekend to make the above three consecutive unsuccessful payment transactions. PayZapp works in the Bank Direct Payroll billing system and not in my standard system, which is called PayZapp directly pays the invoicing party.

For a PayZapp payment, I would have to rely on the HDFC Bank to deliver my funds to the payer. I find this simpler to do than relying on a start-up of a third-party cell phone pallet to do the same in the case of payment directly by an aggregate, for some of the reason I will discuss in a subsequent article.

Although it is still in its infancy, PayZapp has come as close as possible to the end of my billing problems. PayZapp has been described by some as a turning point and India's Apple Pay Moments. Rather, I concur with them and forecast that PayZapp will be quickly accepted - but only by those who have tried other possibilities and found deficiencies.

PayZapp faces several obstacles for first-time and third parties' wallet subscribers to get to grips with them.

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