Suntrust Mortgage Rates

Mortgage interest rates

If you are shopping around for a mortgage, rates are important, but they are not the whole story. Mortgages: Accelerate, Suntrust mortgage rates November 1, 2017 U.S. mortgage filings slid to their lows since mid-February as 30-year mortgage rates climbed to their highest level in three month's time, the Mortgage Bankers Association said Wednesday. MBA' Weekly Mortgage Application Survey for the October 27th period showed that the refinancing index fell 5% from the year before.

"The 30-year growth has risen by nearly 20 bps since reaching a low of 4.03 per cent in September 2017 and refinancing activities have fallen by over 20 per cent over the same period," said Joel Kan, MBA associate Vice President of Research and Economics. "There will be less borrower directly affected by interest rates hikes than in the past, partly because the overwhelming bulk of new mortgage lending has been expanded to include interest rates in recent years," said Robert Gardner, Nationwide's senior economic advisor.

Underlying the Group's mortgage funding activities, the seasonal index decreased by 4.5 per cent to 1,297.0, its low since July. Funding as a percentage of mortgage activities decreased by 80 base points to 48.7 per cent of overall mortgage claims. VA 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rates begin at 3.25% and April at 3.578%.

On 15-year fixed-rate mortgage loans, the median interest rose by 4 base points to 3.52% and the median interest for 5/1 maturities rose to 3.33% from 3.29%. Interest rates for each of the above credit categories were at their highest levels since July, the MBA said. Those contents are provided by

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