Secured by

Safeguarded by

The Secured by Design (SBD) is a group of national police projects focused on the planning and security of new construction and renovation projects. UKAS accredited testing to Secured by Design (SBD) standards for doors and windows is available from Exova. Constructively secured Secured By Design' what? The Secured By Design (SBD) is the UK police force's flag ship offensive that supports the principle of "crime design" through the use of efficient preventive and safety measures across a wide variety of uses. Presented by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), and backed by the Ministry of the Interior and the Planning Department of Municipal and Regional Authorities (CLG), as well as many UK based authorities, UBS is a member of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO).

A Secured By Design Award is given to a builder or principal in acknowledgement of the fact that the design was built in accordance with SBD's safety standard. RSLs, government agencies and housing companies are trying to reach UBS in many of their projects.

Backed by Design Polizei Preferred Specification

The Secured by Design (SBD) is the UK police organisation that promotes the basic principle of "shaping crime" by applying efficient preventive and safety measures across a wide variety of uses.... The SBD is held by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). The Secured by Design project promotes one of the government's most important design goals - to create safe, high-quality places where individuals can earn a living and work.

Investigations confirmed by Design Works show that the number of breakdowns of SDBs is only half as high and that punitive damages are reduced by 25%. Following light weight tiles are Secured by Design approved. Policy Preferred Secured by Design Specifications are available for Decra Classic and Decra Stratos Tiles, Decra Plus Tiles and Decra Elegance with improved Decra safety hardware.

Installing and specifying the Decra Roofing System to comply with Secured By Design is a slightly different approach to the other sections of this website.

Constructively secured

Secured by Design member firms receive Secured by Design membership for firms that manufacture secure goods that meet norms and passing testing designated by the law. Norms and associated testing must prove the efficacy of devices in the prevention or reduction of criminality, usually through opposition to bodily attacks. The Secured by Design does not offer or offer any warranties with regard to the Secured by Design software; it is the assault test specification that we endorse.

Among the licenced are:: Bike safety solution, anti-theft equipment, personnel protection/alone, tools, windows, gates and lockings, IT and computer safety, empty object safety, asset tracker and restoration. Please refer to the website for more information about Secured By Design.

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