Small Loan of

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The EU grants Nokia a small loan of 500 million, says it will go mad with 5G R&D - The Register. As the European Union believes that 5G R&D needs a push, it has granted a 500 million loan in the general Finnish style. Nokia, beneficiary of the loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Strategic Investment Fund (EFSI), has not set any concrete objectives for its own efforts.

Nokia R&D centers in France, Finland, Germany and Poland were found to be likely recipients of the loan. Kristian Pullola, Nokia CFO, said: The loan will be available to Nokia over the next 18 years.

I got a small loan of million.

Donald Trump, a magnate of property, played down his education during an evening at the Rathaus on Monday mornings. Asked the President's top Rpublican if he had ever been said "no." "Throughout my whole live, I really was a no and I resisted it," said Trump in New Hampshire City Council, moderated by NBC's Today show.

He was a rich business man who founded his property imperium with the help of his dad, Fred Trump, who was building houses in Queens and Brooklyn. Donald Trump, however, rejected the assistance as "a small loan" of $1 million. Dad gave me a little $1 million loan. However, I came to Manhattan, I began to buy up traits, and I did great," Trump went on.

However, I was always warned that would never work." but " my father gave me a million-dollar loan." This will probably seem quite simple to many people," said Lauer Trump. Trump consented, but said that the loan faded compared to the scale of his property deal.

"You' re right, but a million bucks isn't very much in comparison to what I built," he said. "You know, I mean, I set up one of the big companies." But Donald Trump says his whole lifetime wasn't simple.

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