Apply for C Card

Application for the C-Card

Access free condoms on C-Card in Thurrock. Use the C-Card if it displays the C-Card window label. Is a c-card what? Make free of charge a condom for children under 25 years of age. Sign up for the C-Card at your favorite Community Contraception Service, or if you are attending a secondary modern building or university, you may be able to sign up for a C-Card there.

If so, you' ll have free Thurrock C-Card card cigarettes. The Healthcare Card provides information on your closest C-Card collection point.

Is a c-card what? C-Card ( card for your card holder ) is a small card that fits in your bag, briefcase or budget. To have a card means that you can get free of charge at various places that are part of the system. Young men as well as females can get a c-card, but you must be under 25 years old.

Where can I get a C-Card? In order to obtain a C-Card, you must first go to an assessor who will tell you about the C-Card and also how and where you can use it. In order to find out where you can get a C-Card, look at the card of the healthcare service; expert advisers are available at all community prevention service.

How can I use the C-Card? Use the C-Card if it displays the C-Card label on the frontispanel. On the other side of Thurrock you can also see logo from earlier schemas, you can continue to use your C-Card at any of these locations as any area accepts any card. If you have a Thurrock C-Card but want to get your hands on Basildon cards, you can still use your card and so on.

Please be aware, however, that in these cases you may be presented with different types of products than those on your C-Card. What do I do to use the c-card at a collecting point? On the C-Card, you must mark which kind of a condom you want and give it to an employee at each collecting point with the appropriate label.

There is no need to disclose your name or other personally identifiable information to the individual at the point of aggregation. The C-Card will be returned to you with the date of your appointment on it. Services are provided on a strictly private basis and the individual at the point of assembly will not talk about your visits with others.

If the card is full, you must return to a C-Card assessor to receive a new C-Card. You would be good to go to the same individual who gave you the card, but you can go and meet someone else if you like.

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